Workforce Development
Collaboration, cooperation, and engagement guide workforce development efforts in North Alabama, including workforce and economic development experts, business leaders, all levels of education representatives, community leaders, local and state officials, and many more.
Workforce development efforts are focused on three key areas:
- Develop and support a robust talent pipeline in our region through partnership and collaboration with education and training providers.
- Help align resources that address employment opportunities and challenges in the region.
- Support recruitment and retention efforts of local businesses and industry partners to ensure our region is a desirable place to live, work, and stay.
Our foremost workforce goal is to ensure thriving communities where residents can live and work, mutually benefiting both the people and businesses within this dynamic region.
How we’re making an impact
The Worlds of Work, hosted by North AlabamaWorks and presented by ASmartPlace, offers a hands-on, interactive career exploration experience of high-demand and high-wage careers. It also provides businesses and industries the opportunity to connect with their future workforce. WOW is for public, private, and home-school 8th-grade students across North Alabama.
“Worlds” are presented, showcasing potential career pathways to real jobs in the region, and each World provides hands-on demonstrations and interactive experiences by local businesses and industries to create career awareness. Industries such as construction, cybersecurity/information technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and aerospace are featured. The Worlds of Work was held this past year, September 27-28, 2022, and brought in over 8,000 students from around the region.

The next Worlds of Work
November 8-9, 2023
Von Braun Center in Huntsville www.northwow.com

Regional Workforce Summit
The North Alabama Workforce Summit, held in December 2022, looked more like a family reunion than a formal business meeting, with 152 attendees from business and industry, education, economic development, and local agencies. The annual event evidenced the connectedness of workforce partners in this region and their commitment to working together.
The day was filled with workforce development updates and best practices from around the region. While we appreciated the discussion of abundant successes, we also acknowledged challenges and viewed them as opportunities for ongoing dialogue and continued focus. Thank you to our many workforce partners and business and industry friends for joining and networking with us as we continue collaborating to improve workforce opportunities in North Alabama!